Friday, May 22, 2009

Mercury and Venus lesson 2#


Magellan Probe

DID YOU KNOW? four billion years ago a huge meteorite crashed into Mercury. The meteorite was more than 800 miles across! Venus is the planet closest to us. Venus Has many mountains and volcanoes. The pictures above were taken by the Magellan probe. The first one is Venus the second one is of itself the Magellan probe.

DID YOU KNOW? Pluto isn't a "planet" anymore it is now considered a "Dwarf Planet"

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mercury and Venus!

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Mercury is very small!Mercury is one of the hottest planets in our solar system! I bet you're saying one of the hottest planets?Yes one of the hottest planets. Venus is the hottest planet! It is the hottest planet because it has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide gas. This traps the heat let off by the sun. But it does not realise the heat like our Earth does! Mercury doesn't have a atmosphere! If we keep on hurting our atmosphere we could end up like Venus!
Learn more about Mercury and Venus Tomorrow!


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